Sunday, May 26, 2002

alright, i chose not to blog about shoreline just because there's too much to say. if you really want to know, go read shayna's and robbi's blogs. i know they blogged about it. moving right along to memorial day weekend. my last full weekend before shayna officially has my her....basket. right. so friday night a few friends came over and we sat around shooting the shit and drinking. no big deal. last night, went over to my buddy scott's who was having a graduation party for graduating from the prestigious institution that is ku. after we'd had a few drinks there we headed over to our friend matt toyne, who can be kind of a prick sometimes, but last night he was very cool. he had a keg and a half there...of busch. i hate that watered down shit, but hey, it was free, can't go wrong with that. wes showed up, and around 12:15 his woman called bitching at him. i learned something from him, never leave your girlfriend, who's the maid of honor, at a wedding reception--shayna told me that. :) and now, sunday, i got nothing to do tonight except grill up some burgers. oh, and check shay's blog for the most recent upcomings on how to get her here. heh.


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