Thursday, December 13, 2001

well, i skipped out on the annual UHC broker holiday party last night. shayna did a good job at making me feel guilty, even though i was feeling it by myself. good news though, they haven't said anything yet. personally, i have a feeling they were all so drunk they didn't notice. heh. i work with a bunch of sloppy'd think i'd love to party with them. nope. anyway, this morning i have to call a *crapload* of brokers and try to get licensing information from them. it's my least favorite aspect of my job. it's like pulling teeth. you'd think when i say to them "yes, and if we don't get the information needed, we WILL hold your commissions until we get the required paperwork," they'd jump right up and fax it over. again, nope. anyhoo, wish me luck!

oh, and shayna's the luckier of us, at least she can call me as soon as she wakes up. i have to wait at least an hour and a half before i can talk to her. it sucks. there's some mornings, such as this one, where at 6:30 when i wake up i want to call her and hear her (yeah, i know, i'm a pansy, but i love to hear her, though i'd much rather it be see but you take what you can get) first thing in the morning. heh, i don't think she'd like it too much if i called her when i did wake up, after all, it's 4:30 in the am where she at. oh well, it won't last forever.

wow, what a ramble.


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