Saturday, January 5, 2002

it's sad, sad weekend. the last games of the regular season of the NFL will be taking place. i shed a tear about this time every year. for it's another grueling seven months without football. alas, i shall live of course, but it won't be easy. on another note, KU plays tonight. right on! they're playing colorado. i think i'm gonna go over to my buddy dave's and watch it. probably have a few drinks too. luckily, he lives right across the parking lot from that means all i have to do is walk. the best kind of drinking is the kind that doesn't involve driving. and speaking of driving, i got a letter from the kansas department of revenue today. what did the letter say you ask? well, it said that my drivers license was ready to be reinstated...for the low, low price of $100. not to mention the $25 examination fee, and any other licensing fees they decide to throw in there. the point is, just when you think you've paid off a mistake of life, it comes back to bite you in the ass one last time. oh, and another thing, let this be a lesson to those of you who still insist on drinking and driving. DUI's are mighty damn expensive, i do however consider myself lucky in that at least i can pay the state/court for my mistake. if i had taken someone's life that night, i could never pay that off. yep, words to live by right there. well, i'm off folks, have a good saturday!


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