Monday, June 24, 2002

sorry. haven't had much time to blog. shay's keeping me busy. :)

anyway, happy birthday to me! happy birthday to meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

well, tomorrow anyhoo.

i'm old now.......25.

i have to go buy a walker now. later.

Thursday, June 6, 2002

oh and one more thing, sandstone amphitheater is no more, it's now...*sniff, sniff* verizon wireless.

seriously, my stomach drops every time i say it.

got me a letter in the mail today. what letter you ask? an offer letter from cna insurance. yep, i got a job. i thought the title was benefit specialist, but the letter says special risks service rep. eh, whatever, it's a job, and it's what i like to do. i'm pretty excited about it.

tomorrow we leave bright and early for sioux falls for some wedding where i'll know no one. typical eh. it's a shayna function. my buddies and myself's idea of a social function is getting a couple cases of beer and firing up the grill. that and they're all single guys that don't want to commit. anyway, next tuesday we're going to dallas. lots of travelling here. my cat is going to be so pissed off at me. last weekend drove back with shayna, this weekend sf, and for a week, dallas. poor thing.... anyway...

if you walked in my apartment you wouldn't be able to tell that i lived here by myself for two years. beer boxes? gone. my trophy beer bottles? gone. what's in their place you ask? well, entertainment center and bookshelf in one corner, and where the bottles were are tealights. here's what one of my friends put it when i told him what happened "you live in a girl's apartment!!!" yeah, go screw yourself. heh. also, new bathmats and shower curtain. ch-ch-changes!

that's all for now, probably won't hear from me until after i start my new job. have a good one everyone!

Monday, June 3, 2002

i went to california this last weekend. just walked in the door last night...but this time i brought home a souvenir.

the best souvenir in the world.

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)