Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I BELIEVE In Love!!!

I agree with Shayna. Yesterday I kept looking at my watch and going "It's only 8:30! It's only 9!!! When will lunch get here??!!"

I took today off to relax before the show. It's weird being just us and Jessica and Bryn. We're empty nesters I guess...

And as for Shea's nomination, if it's for drinking I could give her a run for her money. =)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Stars at Night, Are Big and Bright

Deep in the heart of Texas! This post is about the size of Texas.

Sorry, busy weekend. SF wasn't too bad. We got in Saturday and went straight to Buca Di Beppo in the city. All I have to say is even though I had jeans and a silk shirt on I was still fuh-reezing in the chilly high 50's. My teeth were actually chattering. Shayna said I was being dramatic but I'm sorry, coming from 104 into 58 - let's just say I'm surprised I didn't have trouble below the equator (I know when your body changes sudden temps like that, that's why you get the hershey ____, like right after you eat a huge bowl of ice cream). Anyway, we went back to San Mateo and I had the best night's sleep since June. Probably because of the cool temps. Bridal party began at 7, I got up around 9 or 9:30 and headed into the city around 11 or so. My original plan was to find a bar and just hang out for a few hours and have some lunch but I couldn't find one. So I picked up a 12 pack and headed over to Shayna's uncle's (Mikey, I'm sure you've all heard of him, as the guy I was sitting next to at dinner, from France, had heard of him. Must be nice to be known on an international basis.). After circling for 20 minutes I finally found a parking space and headed to his pad. Push the button and the conversation goes like this-
Mikey: Hello?
me: Hey it's John.
Mikey: John? John Dunn?
me: Yeah.
Mikey: Shayna said you wouldn't be here until 2:30!!
me: No no, I have to be at the temple at 2:30. (the way he just sounded...hmm...I wonder if he has a girl up there)
Mikey: Oh, well hang on and I'll buzz you in.
me: Am I catching you at a bad time? I can come back later.
Mikey: Nah, come on up!

I get up there and the first thing he does is pull me to the side and say "Um, so yeah, I have a houseguest right now and she's getting dressed." Nice. So after shooting the breeze and realizing that this girl is awesome for her (Irish, yay! a drinker!, Protestant, eh, nobody's perfect, and originally from Hamilton, MO) they take off and I have a few brewskis before heading to the temple. After walking in the wrong direction I finally found the temple. Let me tell ya, a mile in SF is more like 3 miles. Wedding is nice, we go to the reception, I drink a ton of wine because I thought they cut off the beer supply, turns out they didn't but that's beside the point. The old adage is true, which I was thinking about that afternoon but I didn't heed its warning, beer before liquor, never sicker. Oh man, I think a car muffler came out of me it was that bad. The worst part came in the morning, sort of. Shayna asked me to take it to trash, as I had to move the car for street cleaning. I take it downstairs and I was going to leave it on the street but some city employee and a bunch of people were walking around. So I put it next to the car in the garage, thinking I'll get it when we leave. Yeah, I didn't remember it until that night. Needless to say I was panicking because I didn't want someone to pick it up and then, well, you know.

Monday we saw Matt and Sara's new baby, Max. He's adorable. And her nanny is like a female Stanley from The Office. She woke him up from a nap and his back was sweating. Understandably, to me anyway, Sara's a little paranoid about the whole baby thing. She says to Mary "I think the baby has a fever! His back is all sweaty!" And in a Stanley like tone "The baby doesn't have a fever or the chills." Then we headed back down the peninsula and had lunch with friends at Crepevine. That evening we had dinner with la famille and packed up. Tuesday morning, Mikey meets us for breakfast and the first thing he says when he sees me is "John, didn't recognize you without a drink!" haha. Joke's on you pal, I might have left a little souvenir in your garage. He seemed to be ok with it, and like I told him, I'd rather tell you then have someone cleaning it and pick that up and then...who knows. Got back from the nice low 70's to the low 100's and that was the worst part of the trip.

This week was boring. Friday night we went to Scott's parents to see Scott & Robbi's new baby, Hayden. She's cute and looks exactly like Scott. Maybe there'll be a Max-Hayden relationship in the future... Saturday they came over for brunch and we got to see Hayden in her full glory. Translation: as soon as I held her she started bawling. Not the first time I've tried to hold a girl and she started screaming. Hehe. Just kidding. So anyway they're the reason for the Deep in the Heart of Texas thing. I started singing that because they live in Austin and you can figure the rest out.

And that's why, even though we wanted to, we skipped Shea's thing today. We decided we needed a day to do nothing before going back to work, and that Shea will be back in the area soon enough.

With all of that said, here's something to ponder - why do I start getting ready for things 2 weeks in advance? Little things. When I go to camp in June I start thinking about it all in early to mid May. DMB next week? I'll be off Tuesday and I'm asking Shayna earlier today about how I was going to have brats for lunch and if I made burgers we can eat real fast when she gets home and be out the door. Then it hit me "Self, it's next week and it's one day. Don't worry about it until next Sunday." Maybe I just get super excited and then obsess over things.

Anyway, happy 3rd week of August! Maybe you'll have the best week ever!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What a Lush

I'm pretty sure Sunday night I was the drunkest I've ever been in my life.

And I decided I didn't like it. I prefer a few notches below where I was. i.e. drunk and happy but not spewing everywhere. Not to say I spewed everywhere. I just mumbled some words once I fell on the bed and Shayna got me a trash can.

Anyway, I'm making a vow to never be that trashed again.

More on the wedding later.

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Return of the Gringo

I've decided that Chipotle sucks. I walked in there tonight and seriously, every time I go in there it's full of whites. If it's such a great burrito joint then why don't the Mexicans eat there? They work there and they probably laugh at us because we're all like "Oh man, these are great." And they're saying "hehehe, loco gringos."

On the flip side of that we went to Chilaca a couple of weeks ago. Oh man it sucked. The salsa tasted like it was a ketchup base. And my entree looked like something I'd buy at 7-11. All that said, my beef tasted like chili. Worst. Mexican. Food. Ever.

Maybe I'm just going on a tirade because we go to SF tomorrow and I have La Cumbre on the mind.

Oh and how cool is it that Sweet Up and Down is back? Finally!!!!! Let's cross our fingers we get it at Sandstone and/or Starplex.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Soundtrack of Your Life

So as Shayna knows well, they don't have muzak anywhere in my building but in the bathroom and stairwell. A few weeks ago I was making...stuff, and Crazy Little Thing Called Love came on. I, no pun intended, sh@# you not, the guy's foot started tapping along. Creepy? Just a little.

Yesterday I heard Cupid in the morning. Talk about your earworms. I was singing it the rest of the day despite having my iPod plugged in my ears. And now I'm singing it again. Cupid, draw back your booow, and let your arrow go - straight to my lover's heart (straight to my lover's heart). Thanks Spinners. So the point of this yesterday afternoon it was like my 8th grade mixer all over again. Debbie Gibson, Richard Marx concluded with Milli Vanilli. It was only in my dreams on those endless summer nights when I could blame it on on the rain. Admittedly, it is extremely difficult to not start belting out the lyrics while you're sitting on the porcelain throne.

One more thing, explain to me why it's ok for ladies to wear denim skirts when it's not jeans day. I've seen more than one girl do this at work and it's annoying to me, as I can't wear any form of denim any day other than Friday. And yesterday another girl was wearing shorts. I only gripe about it here, I'm not the type to go to their bosses and complain. Mama raised me to only worry about John - translated, it's none of my beeswax.

I'm downloading the 8.1.07 show from Mansfield. After I have a listen I'll let you know what I think of this year's prospects.